Friday, September 11, 2020

Hello June!

Once we got the girls back up North, we hit Summer head on! The weather all of the sudden decided it wanted to be warm after all, so we did all of the fun things. We went to Cherry Hill (as often as we could get reservations), we went to the Splash Pad, we visited the brand new baby horse up the street, and the girls had so much fun playing with their cousins. Even though everything was cancelled, it is so nice that we can finally get together again.

My beautiful Sofia Lu. I think blue is her color!

Cute Sof singing the Cinderella song to Mittens. If only he appreciated how loved he truly is.

Claire doesn't run around crazy like you think she would at a splash pad, but she does enjoy the warm sidewalk.
Oh you know, just applying pressure so the boards stay glued to the door. Just a day in the life ... with my underwear hanging out for everyone to see. You're welcome.

I can't get over how good it looks!
Social distancing in our "crop circle" at Cherry Hill.
Sof had so much fun following her cousins around. They were good sports to include her.
Visiting the church building where the first Primary was held.
There is something about Sofi and climbing just about any tree she can.
Greg got a good laugh one day. Sofi went piping mad to her room, and when Greg opened her door to talk to her, he saw she had pulled her rocking chair over to the window, lifted up the blinds, and was staring out the window. Hilarious! Everyone has their thing I guess? 😅

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