Friday, February 16, 2018

My Brilliant Children

So here I am, feeding Claire in the other room while Sof is in the kitchen watching a movie. Suddenly I hear pots and pans being moved around and think something along the lines of, "My brilliant two year old is putting my dishes away for me." She's done it for me before, and a busy Sofi is a happy Sofi, so I totally thought that is what she was doing.

Lo and behold, it wasn't. And those little suckers aren't easy to clean up. She loves to "Squish them between [her] toes." Whatevs Sofi Loaf, whatevs.

On a happier note, Claire has finally developed the strength to lift her giant head off the ground, and is finally able to roll!!! She just looks at me with the expression of, "Whatever mom!" as I'm hollering and clapping.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Wheeler Family Farm

Because the weather has been so beautiful lately, we planned a trip to Wheeler Farm with some friends and we all had a blast! I was sweating. That never happens in February. Ever. And, Sof has since asked to go back every day. I call that a success.

She loves "her" binkies. 2.5 years too late.
She was most excited about climbing up on this tractor.
Hiding from Houston. This little boy is no longer a bruiser, but Sof still remembers him.
Feeding duckies.
Playing in the dirt with cute Savannah.
Staring contest.
I am the bad mom who always takes my kids to the park at lunchtime without a lunch. I made sure to pack a good one. Sof has embraced more foods this week and is back to eating meat rolls. Hallelujah!
For the past 4 weeks or so, Claire has been giving me a run for my money with her naps. I'm lucky to get her to nap, and if she does it's only for 40 minutes, which means she's tired after only an hour. Needless to say, I hate the 4 month regression. For some reason, she sleeps best on my bed. On that, I can't blame her. I do too :).
I ordered these fun water beads on Amazon and Sof has loved playing with them! That big bowl alone was only 1 TBSP before expanding. I ordered a pack of 20,000. We will have them forever. But, I would argue it's the best $6 I've spent in a long time.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

January Happenings

Here is just a bit of what we did in January. For the most part, the weather was beautiful! If this is the trend, I think I'm okay with global warming.

Fair warning: there are a lot of pictures. Just like every January, I'm pleasantly surprised to realize we did more than I thought.

I walked into the room and died laughing when I saw this!
We went to the park one day and she told me to "sit on that bench over there" so she could play by herself. People, we have arrived!
She also went up and sat in the front during story time at the library.
And was all too thrilled to sing and dance in a circle.
She was silent in her room for 2 hours one day during naptime. No, she wasn't napping. Her face and walls were painted pink and purple.
Mastering tummy time! With a head that's in the 90th percentile, that is no small feat.
This little beaut was on clearance at Wal-mart, so you better believe I snagged her one!
And it has not disappointed.
Greg sent me this pic one day after counting stuff at Wheeler. He said it's proof that his job is cool sometimes. I'm still not convinced.
Yes, she will watch a whole movie in this thing.
Claire's blowouts are Siiiiiicck! This one was impressive (almost in her hair). Poor girl.
She loves to shovel snow now that she has a shovel her size.
She was disappointed when we wouldn't let her up on the roof. She woke up to hearing Greg walking around up there and thought it was Santa and his reindeer :).
Those cheeks!
This is my favorite quote from President Monson. He was such a great man and I am sad to think we won't hear any more of his stories and great wit during conference, but I know he is where he deserves to be.
She always has her little fists up by her cheeks. She reminds me of Theodore (the chipmunk).
Our little daredevil.
Chasing each others shadows.
He's the best!
I took her to the Get Air tramp park here in Kaysville. She loved it! And Claire slept the whole time, so I loved it too.
All she wanted was to play basketball. 
There is this giant dirt hill next to a park by our house. She will just climb up and down it forever! 
Proof Claire is still alive.
We made it back to Sof's favorite park in West Bountiful. (Claire is in the background sleeping in the stroller). I'm pretty sure Sof didn't do anything but sit in that swing.
Taking her baby on a sled ride.
Learning how to do snow angels. A cute neighborhood girl invited Sofi to go sledding. Poor Sof learned really quick (as well as the whole neighborhood) that she doesn't like snow in her face.
Claire is getting huge!
There is a family in our ward with 6 kids, and the mom was thrilled when I asked her if I could kidnap 2 to play with Sofi. Courtesy cones at Artic Circle are the best!
These girls are only 4 days apart. Poor Sof is so small.
Rolls on rolls.
We made a trip down to Cedar but stopped halfway there in Minersville to visit my sister. Sof was thrilled to have cousins to watch Netflix with.
Welcome to my childhood everyone. 
Her thighs!
Getting ice cream at Aunt Katy's work
The blondes
She's one of a kind.
We tried to make it to do baptisms with my Dad's YSA ward one night in the Cedar temple, but missed it by 10 minutes. It was still fun to be able to walk around the baptistry again since the Temple Open House in October.
She was literally sleeping on the edge. I caught her as she rolled right after I took this pic.
A rare moment that my mom's cat is being nice.
Claire turned 4 months while we were in Cedar. She is such a joy to have around!
-Still as ticklish as ever
-sings at the top of her lungs whenever I play the piano
-laughs whenever I change her diaper
-still isn't the greatest napper, but I am slowly learning to roll with it
15 lbs. 0.5 oz, 24" long
I took Sof up to my Dad's shop one day and she was in awe at all the machines! I was reminded, once again, that my dad has the coolest job (or so I thought when I was younger).
Playing with Aunt Shelby in the McDonald's play place (with a cute random girl). It's the same one they had when I was little and no, I don't fit quite as well down the slide as I used to.
Pushing snow with grandpa
She was exhausted from playing at Grandma's for a few days. (She also had a dislocated tendon from her elbow that I did not know about until Greg took her to the Instacare the next day. I now know how to fix it, should it happen again, which I'm sure it will since this is the 2nd time in her life. Poor girl).
Getting so big!
She's got skills!
I had high hopes that Sof would behave for her first visit to the dentist. She loved this waiting room, and it was pretty cool!
Too bad the whole visit wasn't this blissful. She screamed so loud and long, that we were given our own separate room. Yep, that's my child everyone.
I found her like this, this morning on my bed. She climbed up on the bed, got her own little pillow, and started herself a movie. This girl sure lives the dream.
Refusing to pose for a picture.
This is Claire's first time laying on a blanket outside. She wasn't quite sure what to do.
Sof is my little helper and likes to put the utensils away.
My cute girls! We will survive busy season together. This was the first night Greg wasn't home to put Sofi to bed. Luckily, we have FaceTime.