Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sofia's 1 Year Photoshoot

I was feeling optimistic and decided I didn't need to pay someone to take pictures of my 1 year old. I quickly learned it is not a 1 person job. Luckily, Greg was there to feed Sofi in between her crying episodes. He is just the best :). I am happy to say we got quite a few cute ones in Mark and Kathy's beautiful backyard.

I shouldn't love this as much as I do.
Saved by Daddy!!
This one is my favorite. It is so Sofi!
So content in Grandma's baby rocking chair with a cup full of cheerios.
This was Greg's idea, and it actually turned out pretty cute. 
Had to throw one of me in there for good measure.
Now onto the hard part - deciding which ones to print.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Oh to be a Mother.

This year was really special to me for some reason. Sofi was a dream and Greggy made sure that I didn't have to lift a finger (even though I know it was a hard day for him). He fried scones for Breakfast, put Sofi down for a nap, and made me a delicious roast for dinner. What a fun day-off for me.

Growing up, I never planned on being a Mother; it just never was a goal of mine. Neither was marriage. Looking back, I am amazed to realize how blind I was! How blind to the goodness families bring, blind to the happiness I unknowingly was trying to deprive myself of.

Being a mother doesn't come easy to me - it just doesn't. I'm not as patient, caring, compassionate, or giving as I should be. Yet, I try my best and that is all Heavenly Father asks of me. I love my child, and I try to do the best I can despite my shortcomings. According to Elder Holland, that is enough.

So this year, I just wanted to remind myself that I am enough. I have to remind myself every day, "I am a good wife. I am a good mother. I am a good person." Otherwise, negative thoughts and feelings overtake me and have an effect for the rest of the day.

Times may be hard, I may not always react the way I should, my child and husband may drive me crazy at times, but despite all my shortcomings, I. Am. Enough.

These two make everything worth it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

She Ate Them Cones and All!

We were given a gift card to Dairy Queen for Easter, and Dairy Queen is sponsoring the S'mores Blizzard right now, so why wouldn't we go?

Luckily, we love Sofi enough to get her her own little kiddie cone.

And she ate the WHOLE thing! (of course this was no surprise ... this girl could rival even my love for ice cream).

Greg got an  Oreo S'more Blizzard and I got my usual Mint Oreo. We are both still in disagreement over whose was better.

Her face. It says it all!
Last time I took Sof to get a cone at Dairy Queen, I didn't watch her close enough and she kept her face in the ice cream for so long she had a burn ring around her mouth for 1 week. Sad! I did a better job this time.