Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Another Trip to Cedar

We loaded up one weekend and headed to Cedar, just because we could. Sometimes we need a break from life up north, and love to head south whenever we can.

On the way down we passed a van identical to ours that had been lifted, had off-road tires, and a big burly mountain bike on the back. It was hilarious!

My uncle is thrilled whenever we use his horses, and the girls love it! The horses are kept out at the family farm, and I have loved being able to take the girls out there whenever we can. I have such fond memories being out there when I was growing up, and I learned some major lessons about life too. Horses are amazing, and I'm so glad we are still able to use them whenever we visit.

This was my childhood. Right here. The view, the skies, the fields, and the horse. I had to stop and admire it all for just a sec.

Claire had had a long day, so Sof and I escaped to walk around the temple while she was sleeping. It was so nice just to be on the grounds.
Grandma was kind enough to gift Claire this Barbie dress. She wore it everywhere.
Even out to Three Peaks where we got to watch Zach and Kate's mountain bike races. I was the hysterical person cheering them on, and I like to think they went a little faster at the end, just to get away from me :). It was total coincidence we were in town the same weekend, but it was fun to go support them. Mountain Biking is so fun! It reminded me a lot of XC in high school, and you could tell it was a good group of kids to be a part of.
Mocha is a good sport. This is right before she took Claire on a ride.
I got to visit my sweet Grandpa. They took him out of his Care Center in SLC because he wasn't receiving the care he needed, thanks to COVID. My dad and his 5 siblings each took turns watching him, and it was fun to see him. Even though he didn't recognize me when he finally did wake up, it was a special experience to see that despite his dementia, he was still his sweet, old self. I love this man and I'm glad I got this pictures, as unflattering as it is of both of us. I didn't know it would be the last time I saw him.

Scary Hill

We took full advantage of Scary Hill this year, since the girl's are both old enough to enjoy it, and it was actually a lot of fun! Everyone seemed to have the same idea as us, so we had to wait in line just about everywhere we went.

They have fun tractor rides that the girls loved. The campground was decorated with all kinds of skeletons, and the girls loved everything about it. Even I enjoyed it. Greg might've, you never know with that guy :).

Sof got to climb the rock wall, and we ran through the maze at night, which was a fun change from sweating through it this summer. And the girls rode the bumper boats, which are my favorite thing. Watch Claire in the video below. The girls even managed to talk me into getting them mini donuts. 

Overall, it was a fun thing and we can't wait for Cherry Hill to open back up in the Spring.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mid-Conference Hike

Conference weekend brought beautiful weather, so we took full advantage of the break during the Saturday morning and afternoon sessions. We loaded up and went up Farmington Canyon. The leaves were so pretty and it felt amazing to be out in the open air.

Nothing like a little healthy competition. Greg is getting old, and Sof is getting really good at the monkey baars. We won't even mention what it was like watching me try.

Another Sunday Excursion Brought to You by COVID

COVID has made our Sunday's loooonnnngggg, which has allowed us to go explore some pretty fun new places. We loaded up one Sunday and drove up through Brighton and then over Trapper's Loop into Park City. It was actually really beautiful, but boy are those roads steep!

Before leaving, we stopped to take some adorable pictures of our Clairey babe. She is truly the cutest 3 year old ever!

We got to Brighton and had to stop and admire the beautiful waterfall coming down the hill. The girls loved throwing rocks into the lower pool and scaring the fish.

Claire telling us to "Hold on!" She was not ready to leave.

Sofi the Mountain Biker

Sofi wanted nothing more than to go mountain biking with Greg, so they made it happen one Saturday. She was so excited! And the smile on Greg's face showed how proud he was to finally have a biking buddy. I see great things for their future 😇.

Claire turns 3!

Claire turned 3 and we can't believe it! The day dawned bright and it was absolutely beautiful! It was fun to have Greg work from home so he could be with us to open presents and celebrate our cute little 3 year old! 

Claire got some fun presents, but she was absolutely thrilled to get 2 new Elsa dresses! And, the cutest unicorn crown from Aunt Lisa and Grandma Great. She also got the cutest unicorn backpack from Grandpa Mark and Grandma Kathy, and some princess shoes from Grandma Jan. She is one loved little girl.

Claire is all about energy and finds herself in trouble when she is left to her own devices, so we played all day long! We went to the Aquarium, Boondocks, and Cherry Hill. Then, we had dinner before everyone came over for cake and ice cream. I attempted to make Claire a unicorn cake, and it turned out cuter than I thought, and it was the sugariest cake I've ever had! Definitely a successful cake for our Clairey babe.

Root Beer on her birthday. She is so lucky!
Birthday Fries! The girls were so lucky and downed the entire thing.

This was the first time we've been to Cherry Hill while it's "Scary Hill," and mini golf was pretty entertaining with its decor. Here were some of the headstones.

We are so excited to experience life with our 3 year old. We sure love you Clairey babe!

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Last Day Being 2

 Claire helped me make her cake the day before her birthday. She is quite the little baker! I have some cute pictures of her, so I felt like she needed her own little post.

She is so ready to be 3!