Saturday, August 25, 2018

Married in a Barn

Greg loves to tell people that my cousin got married in a barn. He really didn't, but you know Greg and his flair for the theatrics.

We took a trip down to Cedar the first weekend of August to attend my cousins wedding. The older I get, the more I love getting together with family I haven't seen in a long time, and this wedding was no exception.

Frozen gogurts for dinner!
Greg's creepily looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Freaky!
There was a pretty impressive rain storm pretty much the last half of the drive, and we were greeted by the prettiest double rainbow that spanned the whole town.
Sof was so excited to have Grandma take her on a motorcycle ride.

We left in a bit of a hurry the last time we were down, that I made my little sister a promise that I would spend more time with her. It was so fun to go to lunch with them one day and get giant crepes! Katy works in the cutest place called The Parke Place, so should you ever find yourself in Cedar City, you need to go there. It's delicious! And, you'll be greeted by the cutest 17 year old of all time.

This makes me laugh every time I look at it. I have no idea what she's doing!
Visiting Grandma at work.

The night before the wedding, everyone got together at the local Pizza Factory to have dinner. It was so fun! Even though Greg's calzone was sub-par, it was still fun to force him to be social.

Not exactly sure what I'm doing here, but Sof's getting pretty good with the camera.
Best buddies! I still think Claire will closely resemble Katy one day.
This man right here! 😍

The ceremony was held in New Harmony with the beautiful Five Finger cliffs in the background. It was sooooooooo pretty! We left the girls in the hands of teenagers, and instead of feeding the toddlers and babies dinner, they beautified the heck out of them! But, they looked adorable so it was worth it.

Sof was on a mission to go find a cookie and some lemonade.
My weird uncle found and set up a bear trap during the reception.
The grandkids (and Katy and Shelby)
No one better than this guy!

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