Saturday, August 25, 2018

Greg's Mini Enduro Race

I encouraged Greg to sign up for a Mini Enduro mountain bike race up at Snowbird in July. He was so diligent in training, that we were so excited to go and support him. His race times were when the girls usually are in bed, but they were champs that day (especially Claire who was up early and only allowed one nap). Sof was thrilled to be up late and kept asking me why it was getting dark. Our poor, deprived first child,

Waiting for Greggy! I kept getting crazy looks from people. They were the only thing kids on the mountain, but it sure was worth getting them there.

I had visions of grandeur, where I would snap a picture of Greg going over a huge jump right in front of us with a smile on his face. But we were behind a pine tree so our moment quickly passed when I didn't realize it was him coming down the hill. Oh well. 

At least we got one of him pedaling back to us.
While waiting for the 2nd phase race to start, Sof discovered the wondrous world of sticking her head out the sunroof. 

Sof has become quite the little cheerleader this summer and is learning the finer ways of hooting and hollering. She made me proud cheering while Greg finishing his final phase of the whole race. Claire was content to sit there with her deep-in-thought Spjute-face observing everything going on.

She was one proud little girl. 😍
I love our car. And these cute girlies who are so aweaome! Claire was thrilled to roll around the back naked and slap happy, and Sof was happy to help put lotion on. 
Cute Claire was the only one who tolerated Greg's sweatiness. When we were walking back to the cars, even Sofi asked: What's that smell? "
It was hilarious!

We got the girls in bed way too late, but it really was so fun to see Greg so excited about something and being able to rally behind him and support him while doing something he loves.  His girlies sure do love him!

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