Wednesday, August 15, 2018

End of July Shenanigans

I don't know why, but I think these two girls sitting next to each other in car carts is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!
We harvested pumpkins in July. Come to find out it is best to leave them on the vine until you actually want to harvest them. Oh well, we'll know for next year.
Claire still isn't so sure about being thrown in the air.
Sof thought this was her outfit one day. Sometimes I fear for the future with this girl.
Cute Claire was pretty adamant about eating the whole mango.
This is Sof's face after 2 hours and 40 minutes at Jerry Seiner, just for a routine oil change. It's a lot happier than mine was.
Not sure what's going on here, but sometimes it's nice to find pictures of me.
We went to a neighborhood party where Kenneth Cope was invited to sing. Greg rolled his eyes, but I loved it. I had to take Claire home early to go to bed and I could still hear him singing from her room. It was pretty great.

Sof is finally brave enough to go down the water slides by herself.  We have arrived people!

Claire will slump like this for 30 min, and her spine cracks every time we life her out. For some reason, her swing is still her favorite place to be.
No, she's not pulling herself up, but she can stand by herself as long as she has a death grip on whatever it is she's holding on to. 

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