Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Festivities 2017

Having a newborn in October pretty much meant that the month flew by without us doing anything remarkable. Poor Sof. I have already promised to do better next year.

She is following in her sisters footsteps and has become so alert! I fear for our future.

We made it to our new ward's Halloween Party, and it turned out to be pretty fun. They had food and games for the kids, and a candy cannon. We left too early, but I guess they let the dads chase candy out of the cannon too. I now wish we would have stayed to see Greg do that. 

Courtesy of Greg.
She loved this cake walk. She would run around the circle counting off the numbers as she went. She was a hit, and everyone loved her, as is the trend with our cute Sofi loaf.
The candy cannon!

Greg's Dad and Kathy had their annual Witchey-poo party. I failed to get pictures because I left my camera at home, but suffice it to say that it was fun.

Decorating Haunted Houses with baby Leona (her kitty).
Chubby Claire.

Sofi refused to eat lunch and dinner October 30, so we refused to let her carve pumpkins. Let's just say that she didn't really care. She was content to sit, watch and spin circles in the kitchen. Although it was annoying, her ability to shake off the negative can be pretty inspiring.

Spinning and jumping.
She ended up eating a good breakfast Halloween day so I let her carve her pumpkin. She could've spooned guts for hours.
She loved it.
On our way to feed horses. I thought she looked so cute in her puffy dress pushing her stroller.
She ran up to this horse without any fear. I now know the heart attack my mom used to have when I would be surrounded by my Grandpa's horses when I was just tiny. 
Running back to "give hugs." That paint may have just found its new best friend in a 2 year old. We may be giving away a lot of carrots in the near future.

This is before we went trick-or-treating. She was the cutest Belle I've ever seen. I left a bowl of candy on our front step and I'm sure the kids had a heyday when they saw the abandoned bowl.

This Grimm Reaper was out strolling the streets of Farmington. He was freaky! (just ask Sof). Greg almost hit him on his way down the hill to get donuts - he was standing in the middle of the road. That would've been a fun Halloween experience.
Sof wanting to eat her donut.
My cute girls!
Claire is exhausted!

What fun we had this Halloween Day! I thought Sofi was fun during holidays as a baby but she continues to be much more so the older she gets. It's so fun to be able to explain things to her and have her share in my excitement. I loved that she was able to choose her costume this year and was so excited to be a princess. She sure has a zest for life. Claire continues to be a bump on a log - we love her.

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