Monday, April 4, 2016

Easter Getaway

Sofi and I took a quick getaway to Cedar City to enjoy the festivities leading up to Easter weekend. Once again, we made it a girls trip while Greggy stayed home to waste his life away in his cubicle. Oh how I HATE busy season!!!!!!!! However, it is nice to be able to escape to Cedar City without feeling bad like I'm abandoned my husband.

Packed, and ready to go!
Sofi was super whiny all week, so she didn't handle the drive down too well. I knew she was just being a pain, so I was prepared with headphones and music. She eventually fell asleep around Nephi and slept until Beaver, which was perfect because we were both in need of a break by then. 

This is Sofi after sleeping for 3 hours, 10 minutes. She slept from 3:30-6:40 pm. Something unheard of for this child, and I learned my lesson that it was a bad idea to let her sleep this long - she didn't go to bed until around 9:30 pm. Oh well, we were on vacation.

Sofi loves blueberries ... and I have no idea how this one got here. She obviously has Greg's talent at
keeping a straight face in a hilarious situation.
All ready for our morning walk!
Great-Grandma's house was perfect to walk to! She was ready to snuggle Sofi :). 
Sofi found grandma's kitty!! They are best buddies.
The girls!

My nephew Dayton was turned 9 while we were down in Cedar, and he wanted to have his party at Fiesta Fun, in St. George. I hadn't been there since Middle School, so a lot had changed. We traveled down with my parents and sister and had so much fun! Between the pizza, go-carts, laser tag, and beautiful weather, that party alone was worth the trip! Sofi was a trooper and didn't go to bed until 11:00 pm - her new record.

The selfie we sent to Daddy
Grandpa Todd on the go-cart. His smile says it all.
Grandpa was a trooper watching the granddaughters while us parents had fun. Sofi wouldn't let go of that
 balloon and carried it around all night.
Grandpa Todd decided to let Grandma have a round at laser tag

My family has a tradition of going to the Virgin, UT park every Saturday before Easter. I haven't been since before I was married, so Sofi and I decided to go. The weather is usually hit or miss, and this year was no different. It was so cold when we woke up that no one wanted to go to the Easer Egg Hunt. Due to the late night, everyone slept in anyway so we wouldn't have been able to make it.

Our afternoon at the Virgin park always consists of flying kites, eating lunch, and ending with the annual Thorley softball game. Sofi had a rough time falling asleep, so she was strolled around in the stroller by my Aunt Janet while I got to play softball. Poor Sofi ended up getting pretty sunburned in the process, which was weird because it was cold and windy. 

This gives you an idea how cold it was - but it eventually warmed up
The city park hasn't been updated - ever - so it still had dirt and a metal playground. It was awesome! Sofi had never played in dirt before, so she was pretty much in heaven.

How scary is that swing?!

Oh Jess ... I have no words. 
I kind of wish I could I could zoom in to see up her nose ..

We got back from Virgin Park, had dinner, put Sofi in the tub, in her jammies, fed, strapped her in her carseat, and we left around 8:30 pm to be home in time to spend Easter with Greggy. It's been a long time since I've traveled that late at night. We arrived home at about 11:50 pm. My wonder baby didn't make a peep. I love that fact that although it has taken 11 months, she has finally accepted her carseat.

Sunburned cheekies!

What fun we have had the last little bit being able to spend some time in Cedar City. I'm slowly accepting the fact that I might not ever be very close to it again, but that is okay because it makes it that much more special when we do get to visit. I can't wait until the summer when we can get the Sofi loaf on the mountain. I really hope she comes to love it the way I do!

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