Tuesday, December 27, 2022

September Shenanigans

 I'm beginning to realize that September was a busy month. I know this is a major photo dump of some seemingly insignificant moments, but it's the day-to-day that I want to remember. Not every day is memorable, but there are memorable moments in each day.

Like this one for example. If you only watch one of these moments, make sure it's this one of Claire. She is a hoot!

Sof and Claire's new favorite thing at the Jump Park is to lay underneath the swing. They laugh hysterically and it's pretty cute to watch.
Rolls on rolls.
Claire started Dance with Ms. Cherie and takes it very seriously. But in all honesty (and major surprise), Claire is a really good dancer. Who knew she could be as graceful as she is?
The many faces of Claire LaRee
Sitting up so good with Claire close by. Cute Claire surrounded Quincey with these pillows after I left the room.
I mean it every time when I saw this baby is Pure. Joy.
I can't even! 😍

Sometimes I have to poke him to make sure he's not dead.

Greg is a rockstar and man's the Quince each Sunday while I alternate each week between playing the piano in Primary and teaching Sunday School. I love it when he comes and sits by me in Primary.

Someone decided she was big enough to sit in the cart! Grocery Shopping has been so much better since.
Sof made an appearance at the Orthodonist. He told her to come back in 9 months.
Mischevious little things!

Claire's love language is food. You'd think she was escorting the queen with how careful she was bringing the pizza and breadsticks in from the car.

I did a thing ... and chopped 9 inches off my hair. Since, my hair has been super healthy, and I officially look like a Mom. It's double-edge sword, my friends. 
I had a rare moment one morning when I turned around and found myself so happy with this view. These 3 sweet girlies have made me the person I am today - and they bring me so much Joy. I think seeing Quincey sitting there with her sisters for breakfast completed the puzzle for me. She was so hard to get earth-side that I still sometimes have moments where I wonder if she's real and what we went through physically, emotionally and spiritually really even happened. She was 1000% worth it, but I'm not sure I can go through the emotions of it again.
She watches me wherever I go, and it's the cutest thing!

The girls got creative with the towie. It was hilarious to watch!
Babes. And I'm pretty sure this belongs on a magazine somewhere.

I LOVE watching Claire book it to the car every Wednesday from her singing class. The song on the radio fit perfectly as she was flying down that driveway with her sequin headband on like an athlete.

If Quincey was awake on those Wednesday's, we would go play at a park until Claire got too hangry to function.
It was often worth it to catch moment's like this, where she is totally biting her toenail sitting in a tree.

I still have yet to discover where Claire got her posing idea for pictures, but she is still going strong,

She even got Greg in on the action.

And I was lucky enough to get him on video 😂

They even got Sofi to join in on the fun.
I really missed my ebike this year, so I loaded the girls up in the bike trailer and hauled them across town to a park. Quincey wasn't loving the trailer, but it was worth it, dangit!
I played hide-and-go-seek with Claire and legit couldn't find her. I can't tell you how many times I walked under this tree until she finally told me where she was. She can climb up it in 5 seconds flat - I know because she showed me. Let's just say, she won that game fair and square.

I can tell being back in school full-time was a bit rough on Sofia. She had a more rigid schedule, and between being a social butterfly, homework, dance, and piano, I felt like I never saw her - which, let's be honest, I really didn't. So, she and I went on a date one night. The crepery in Farmington ended up being closed (of course it was), so we tried to make up for it by going to Ihop. The food may not have been good, but it sure was fun to spend some one-on-one time with Sofi. She is such a great kid and it was good to spend some qualtiy uninterrupted time with her. I'm learning that her language is Quality Time just like me, so it's important to take time to sit and recharge her batteries.

What a month!

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