Tuesday, June 23, 2020

April General Conference

We got back from Cedar City just in time to watch General Conference. This year was special because not only was it the 200th anniversary of the Restoration, but due to COVID-19, only the speakers were allowed to attend. All music was prerecorded, and the speakers had to sit 6 ft apart. Instead of being held in the General Conference building, it was televised from a conference room. President Nelson wasn't joking when he said this would be a Conference to remember.

People don't believe me when I tell them Greg's lap is Mitten's favorite place. So here is living proof. He slept her the full 2 hours of the morning conference. And Greg clenched his legs closed to make him comfortable. Truer love hath no man than Greggy for his Mittens.
Sof getting in on the cuddle/nap sesh.


Let it be known I made homemade cinnamon rolls for Sunday breakfast, and they were delish! My mouth is watering just thinking about them. I had to leave 2 unfrosted so that Sof would eat them. Baby steps people. At least she ate one.
It was overcast/rainy, but we still took our traditional stroll around the block.

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