Monday, February 24, 2020

Busy Season Has Begun

I'm convinced that Busy Season started earlier than usual this year. It never is easy, and the first week is the worst, but we will prevail! Here's to hoping Greg chooses not to stay in Public Accounting all of his days ... 

We helped my sister move. This picture almost made it worth it.

Sof traveling in style. 

We braved a bike ride and I'm pretty sure I couldn't feel my fingers by the time we got back home.
This is my reality. Please pray for me.
I'm going to leave this right here so that I can remember she is super cute even on the days where I want to drive her to the middle of nowhere and leave her for dead.
Perfect form!
At the end of the day, they do love each other.
Oh Claire 🤣
I love everything about this picture:
- This girl!
- Her cowgirl boots
- the pure joy on her face
- the fact that she still so easily fits in the baby swings
- and the fact that she doesn't care!
Greg's new office makes eating lunch with him that much better! No more awkward small talk with other accountants.
Claire is getting her weekly Root Beer fix. And let's take a moment to appreciate her nearly perfect palm tree pony tail.
Proof Claire can be nice to her sister.
Busy Season is for projects! Claire's shelf went in a lot faster than Sofi's. 
Lately Sofi is really into building forts and sleeping in them. I have no idea how she was able to sleep with this blanket barely 4" above her face all night, but she did and was very cheerful the next day.
I have yet to figure out why Claire thinks it's okay to walk outside without her winter clothes.
Child labor at its finest.

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