Friday, February 26, 2016

Provo City Center Temple

My family made a mad dash up to stay with us February 14-15. It was fun to have them here with us. They are such good sports to drive all the way up just to sleep on air mattresses. I keep telling myself one day we will have a room with a real mattress in it just for guests. One day ...

Anyway, the family came in the night after the Sofi Loaf had gone to sleep so it was a surprise to her to see Grandpa sleeping in the middle of the living room floor. How she didn't hear him during the night, I don't know. Greg and I didn't sleep much that night because we could both hear him through the floor. It was soooo bad! I'll have to get the recording from my sister who was sleeping right next to him on the couch. I laugh to myself thinking, "It could've been worst." Now she can say she survived a war. It literally sounded like my dad sounded like he was dropping bombs and leveling buildings all night.

I digress. Sofi went right to my mom. She loves that lady! I still think she might remember her helping taking care of her our first week home. Who knows? After a few minutes, she went to Grandpa Todd too, and he gave her someone to stare at during breakfast. Man can that girl stare.

We all got ready, Sofi napped, and we headed down to Lehi to meet up with my older sister's for lunch. It was fun to almost all be together, minus Greg and my brother-in-law.

I knew the temple would be busy, with it being a holiday and a day off giving people a good excuse to see the temple, but I had no idea it would be as busy as it was. Once we parked, we found ourselves at the back of the line outside the underground parking. Once we got into the covered parking, the lines snaked back and forth, and we found out it was a 2.5 hour wait before even getting into the video. No way! My family still had to drive back home and I had a tired babe, so we hopped out of line and walked around the temple grounds. One day I'll go inside.

Grandpa kissing Sofi on the cheek. :) 

What a beautiful day.

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