Monday, September 30, 2019

Oregon! pt. 1

The girls had us up early Saturday (our first official morning), so we packed up and went and walked the beach before breakfast. It was absolutely beautiful, and we found a bunch of sand dollars before the gulls picked them apart.

The tide was low early in the mornings - perfect for a stroll.
Looking out from the cave.
Funny story: this is before Claire submerged herself in the cold ocean water. This tide pool was deceivingly deep and I was way too late stopping her from walking. She sunk clear to the bottom. Luckily her jacket filled up with air and kept her head up, but she was completely soaked. It was hilarious! The only bad thing was that it would take 3 days for the jacket to dry. Curse Oregon and their humidity!
Mermaid Sof.
We went to the Tillamook Factory every day!

Claire had me up early again Sunday morning, so we left a sleeping Greg and Claire and went and walked the beach again. It is truly something I wish I could do every day. 

Some random camper van that was AWESOME!
I love that we have another set of photo bombs from Toby and Max! :)


We attended the one and only ward in Tillamook, and it was so good. I'm pretty sure the Spjute family alone doubled the ward. I know for a fact that we more than doubled the nursery. It is always a good reminder that no matter where we attend church, the gospel teachings remain the same.

Another beautiful sunset.
Sofi plays hard and sleeps harder. I wish Claire did the same thing.

Greg took the morning shift with Claire on Monday.

Sof had so much fun with her cousins. It would be hours before I would see her again.
Oh Bean, he's the best and Sofi just loves him.
Beach time!
Greg was determined to build a giant sandcastle.
Attempting to play Sand volleyball. There's a reason I was a runner.
This trip was a lot different than the others. It was warm enough that we didn't need a wet suit when swimming in the ocean. But my fear of having my leg bit off by a shark was still there.
Some of Greg's aunts, uncles and cousins were there while we were, so it was so fun to reconnect with them. Sofi had a lot of time playing with Abby, her 2nd cousin.
They redid the Tillamook Factory tour area, and they did a great job! This was a part of the exhibit where it told about the cows. Did you know that a good Dairy cow can produce up to 15 gallons a day?! And, the system is automated now so whenever a cow wants to be milked, they will walk into the barn and be automatically hooked up to the milking machine. So crazy to think about!
Greg's uncle came zipping through the campground on this little beauty and was kind enough to let me steal it for a round :).

We drove up the coast to Cannon Beach to see the Goonie Rock and tour the cute little town. On the way there, Greg made me carsick and I finally asked, "Greg, why are you so crazy? We're not escaping hell." He didn't think it was funny. 

Sofi refusing to turn around for a picture. Such a four-nager.
Fun tide pools.
4 years ago, before kids, and our last trip to Oregon, I got an amazing Crepe from this exact place. Lucky for me and Sof, it was still there. This is our selfie outside waiting for Greg to get them for us. Sofi ate hers so fast that I wasn't able to get a picture, but it was bigger than her head. Claire took it upon herself to park it on the picnic table and finish Megan's shrimp, tails and all.
I love our cute Yurt!
Wednesday, we attempted a hike with the kids. Sof did what she always does whenever she gets bit by a mosquito - she swells. Except in Oregon, her entire leg swelled from the knee down to the ankle, which meant she was out of commission to hike. So she was thrilled to be strapped to my back, and Claire was thrilled to be loosey goosey to wander the trail on her own two legs.

The coolest tree ever!
There is something truly terrifying about looking out and seeing ocean as far as you can see.

We didn't make it clear to the end of the hike. We had to turn around because Greg started moaning about how bad his arms hurt from holding Claire. We were happy to be rewarded with yummy Nacho's, thanks April!

Claire and Henry were silently playing together in the water.
Claire was strangely obsessed about this little door.

Wednesday also happened to be the 24th of July, aka Pioneer Day in Utah, so we celebrated later with glow sticks, courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa. Then the kids paraded around the campgrounds all glowey like. It was pretty cool.

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