Sunday, September 16, 2018

Davis County Fair

The Davis County Fair. We look forward to it every year, and it was just as fun this year. We went just about every day, which means we came to know those ponies pretty personally.

We always bypass everything and head right to the animals!
As if being albino wasn't enough, they made the poor thing into a crooked Unicorn.
She got to ride her elephant.
Poor Claire. The fly wouldn't leave her alone.
Nothing makes her blue eyes pop quite like her red face.
This ducky chute is always a hit too!
I told Greg I found him a hobby! 🤣 He wasn't convinced, but they were actually pretty cool to watch.
I wish you could tell how cute and little this goat truly was.
She was so excited to be able to reach the top.
Patiently waiting for the ponies ... again
We stuck Claire on a pony last minute and she was hooked!

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