Sunday, December 4, 2016

Christmas Bus 2016

We participated in the annual Spjute Family Christmas Bus this weekend, and it was AWESOME! The holiday's are so much more fun with kids, and Sofi brought out the big guns for the Christmas party. She let uncle Jake carry her around for quite awhile, and even let Grandpa hold her without bribes from the candy drawer. She had so much fun playing with her cousins, ate pizza like a crazy person, and giggled like a drunkard the whole time she was on the bus. I continue to be amazed.

This is too good not to share. Greg & Mark with matching Griswald Family Christmas hats (thanks April & Toby!). I made sure to get mad at Greg for not smiling. His response, "My dad is broken."
The Christmas program this year was at an old folks home in West Farmington. Sofi was happy to run around the halls singing "Let it Go" at the top of her lungs while everyone else put on a great program. Luckily, Mark forgot to have Greg sing "Guard Him, Joseph" so I was content to chase her and fill in the missing part of her song. However, she was not happy to be forced into her angel costume for the nativity. She became known as the "fallen angel" as she cried through pretty much the entire thing. Happy Day.

She pretty much skipped out to the bus after the program - she couldn't get enough of that thing. I don't know if it's because she wasn't in her strapped into her car seat or surrounded by people, but she loved every second of it.

Owen's photobomb is the best.

Temple Square did not disappoint and I was so happy to see multiple pink trees!! They are my favorite. By now, Sof was pretty tired and was content to sit in her stroller and allow us to go wherever we wanted without complaint; that doesn't happen very often. Her pink snow pants came just in time and were perfect!!

She insisted on walking just about every wall she saw.
Traditional temple selfie - why does it seem like the best ones are always blurry?

Sofia got her second wind on the way home from the bus and gnawed on 2 squares of rice krispie treats (she must be my child). I didn't get as many pictures as I should have, but suffice it to say that we had so much fun and Sofi now wishes we had a bus instead of a Santa Fe.

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