Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Memorial Day 5-30-2016

Sofi loved playing in Grandma Thorley's backyard!

We were able to visit the graves for Memorial Day on Sunday to beat the rush. We were still in Cedar City on our little vacation, so it was fun to visit the graves I haven't been to in at least 5 years. It was fun to get a little family history from my grandma. I learned my great-grandpa Bauer had 4 older brothers who all died as infants - his mom had too big of babies for them to survive, and they all shared the same headstone. All were named but one. It was sad to stand there knowing there were 4 babies there.

I made the ultimate decision to drive back to Bountiful on Memorial Day. But before we left, we took a bike ride around the neighborhood with my mom and sister. Sof loved soaking her feet in the fountain in front of the Shakespearean building at SUU. Traffic was crazy, but we survived and arrived just in time to unpack then get back in the car for the annual Spjute BBQ.

Eating breakfast with Grandpa
Sofi surprised us all and let Grandpa Mark hold her! We think she is turning over a new leaf.
We ended the day by visiting Grandma LuAnn and Lindsey.

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