Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Children's Treehouse Museum & Valentine's Day

The fun Preschool Field Trip's continued one morning by going to the Children's Treehouse Museum in Ogden. It was fun to go with Sof's class and have her be entertaining while I frantically chased Claire around. I only lost her once, so I consider that a success.

Claire sat in this log and would steal the Ranger's animals while he was trying to tell a story with them. I was dying!

Sofi, Bea, and Clara
Giving him kisses.
We were too close to the Farr ice cream factory to not stop and get a cone. Claire isn't too much of an ice cream lover, so she was content to watch a show on my phone while Sof and I chatted.
It ended up being a really warm day, and Sof was roasting by the time we got home. Poor girl, pants and sleeves rolled up and the window down in the middle of February. She's a true Spjute.
Greg was working at a client the whole week, so it was easy to sneak to his office and heart attack him. I love doing little things like this with my girls. Sof did a great job at cutting out all the hearts.
Claire only had 1 meltdown. It didn't last too long, luckily. But who cares, we had paperthin walls to mask her wails.
Greg's office is always a mess.
Claire was content to munch on a whole box of Sour Patch Kids. She loves visiting her Daddy's office.
Claire found Sofi's makeup.

Valentine's Day was absolutely beautiful! We went to the park in Farmington and it was so warm, both of my girls were running around without jackets or socks and shoes. The sunshine definitely made the holiday [almost] worth it. 

That, and this video.

I love everything about this cute picture!
This picture pretty much sums up how I feel about this holiday. 🤣

Per tradition, we made my great grandma Bauer's yummy sugar cookies, decorated them, then took them around to Sofia's friends. There was no shortage of sprinkles.

I feel it needs to be mentioned that Greg came home semi-early, and brought me flowers and yummy food so I didn't have to cook. He's the best!

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