Monday, February 12, 2018

Wheeler Family Farm

Because the weather has been so beautiful lately, we planned a trip to Wheeler Farm with some friends and we all had a blast! I was sweating. That never happens in February. Ever. And, Sof has since asked to go back every day. I call that a success.

She loves "her" binkies. 2.5 years too late.
She was most excited about climbing up on this tractor.
Hiding from Houston. This little boy is no longer a bruiser, but Sof still remembers him.
Feeding duckies.
Playing in the dirt with cute Savannah.
Staring contest.
I am the bad mom who always takes my kids to the park at lunchtime without a lunch. I made sure to pack a good one. Sof has embraced more foods this week and is back to eating meat rolls. Hallelujah!
For the past 4 weeks or so, Claire has been giving me a run for my money with her naps. I'm lucky to get her to nap, and if she does it's only for 40 minutes, which means she's tired after only an hour. Needless to say, I hate the 4 month regression. For some reason, she sleeps best on my bed. On that, I can't blame her. I do too :).
I ordered these fun water beads on Amazon and Sof has loved playing with them! That big bowl alone was only 1 TBSP before expanding. I ordered a pack of 20,000. We will have them forever. But, I would argue it's the best $6 I've spent in a long time.

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