We've been anticipating our stay at a Bear Lake cabin with Greg's entire Spjute family and it did not disappoint! We played hard and ate good food - 2 things that are a common factor in these type of gatherings. Sofi couldn't get enough of her cousins and thrived in the environment. She has become quite the vocalist and loves telling people what to do. She is going to make a great older sister.
On our way to Bear Lake, we planned to stop and eat dinner at our old favorite spot, Cafe Sabor. It's in the old Logan train station and it was fun to see a giant train parked there.
The cabin we stayed at had such a fun yard: Volleyball court, swing set, slide off the deck, hot tub, and a hill to roll down. Sof never got tired of running racing her cousins up the hill.
The room we were staying in had a bunk bed for all 3 of us to share. Sof slept on the top bunk every night and loved it! I think a bunk bed may be in her future. Sadly, Greg and I didn't sleep so good on the bottom. We each took turns sleeping on the floor each night, it was that bad.
Every morning: "Daddy!" And stick her head over the rail. |
Wednesday morning we all caravaned to the ice caves up in Idaho. It was about a 40 minute drive, and not everyone found the actual ice caves. And, it was freezing! If you look, you can see ice under the planks we walked on.
Walking up the hill above the ice caves |
Helping Dad drive the dirt roads. Luckily, this is before we got pulled over ... |
Patiently waiting for our Raspberry shakes BEFORE dinner :) |
We celebrated 3 birthday's this week. |
Helping Marcus with double dutch |
This girl sure loves Beanie |
Grandma and Grandpa busted out the glow sticks one night. It was awesome! |
We happened to be up at Bear Lake during the week of Raspberry Days. Thursday was the day for the parade and the party just seemed to keep on going.
Getting her Dory Tattoo |
Lately Sofi has been really into Dory and Finding Nemo, so these tattoo's were perfect! She was so excited.
Greg's dad had the hookups and scored us a private beach from someone in his ward. There was pretty much no beach anywhere else because the lake was so high, so it was awesome to have a place all to ourselves complete with boats, paddle boards, and this random snowmobile.
She lives the dream! |
We took this little beaut out a couple times. Sof wasn't so sure, but she didn't complain either. |
We were lucky enough to get this girl to nap every day. You know she's tired when she falls asleep in 2 minutes flat in a new place. |
The Raspberry Days parade was Thursday night, and it was pretty awesome - just like any other small town parade. They threw out a bunch of things: beach balls, hula hoops, mini shakes, otter pops, and Greg's sister even scored chips and salsa (something he is still talking about).
During all of the crazy, we found time to snap a picture of the entire family (I'm thrilled you can't see my pregnant belly). Sof was being a ham and looking everywhere but at the camera, but luckily she has a cute profile so it will do.
Friday we woke early enough to eat breakfast (Sofi had mush every morning), pack, and play outside on this awesome swing set. All Spjute's were of the same mind and everyone left pretty early.
We sure had fun! |
The day we got back, Sofi took a 3.5 hr nap and was still onry enough to go to bed 1.5 hr later and sleep another 13 hours. She had fun and played hard. It's gatherings like this that realize I sure lucked out in the in-law department. It's good to know that no matter what, we will always have fun.