Friday, September 11, 2015

And then there were 4 ...

Greg and I have been in charge of 4 kids this week. 4! It has been an experience for everyone involved. Luckily the kids have behaved and Sofi has thrived. She now naps and goes to bed the first time. Instead of boycotting naps, she now boycots the crib and instead sleeps on a big kid bed surrounded by pillows. Hopefully it's a sign that she is just missing her own crib or we might be in trouble when we get back home ...

My chariot awaits ...
Yes, I drove a van this week. Yes I survived. My image may have been tainted a little bit, but I will admit this thing is pretty comfy (don't tell Greg).

Sofi loved being up with the big kids. She would smile and laugh with them until it was time for them to go to school. Then she would look at me as if to say, "Great, it's only you again." She has thrived in this kid-friendly atmosphere and has been so fun. Max even got excited when she would smile and laugh at him. Progress!

Toby and April have the coolest toys
Sofi went to her first soccer game and was pretty enthralled with the whole process. Even if it was just watching 4 year olds kick the ball around. She's going to be a soccer player, I can feel it :).

Surrounded by cousins Zach, Sam, Sage & Kate
Rockin' the shades
As I mentioned, Sof slept like a rock whenever I would put her down. She has been so exhausted with all the excitement of the kids!

She would go to sleep looking like this ...
and wake up like this. (I think Megan's crazy sleeping habits
may have had an effect)
Sofi would sleep 12 hour nights and continue to take 3 hr naps during the day. Holy cow! If I didn't know her, I wouldn't recognize my own child. But it's a change I hope will stick.

So serene :)
It's going to be rough on us going back to our easy lives - we've kind of enjoyed the excitement. Greg jokingly said, "Guess we need more kids ..." when I told him how good Sofi is in the car with Sam. It's either his red hair or crazy antics. The kid is pretty hilarious.

She loves playing with the big kids!
Either way, it has been a fun experience. Sofi got to know her cousins, and I finally got Max to talk to me. It's going to rock Sofi's world when she goes back to being an only child. I've decided she should've been born the youngest instead of the oldest... Oh well :).

1 comment:

April said...

You guys are the best!!! I'm so glad Sofia enjoyed it! I'm sorry you had to take care of my monsters. I'm sure there were many moments when you wished you weren't but we are grateful! And now you know you're a super mom and have lots of kids! ;)