Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Riding TRAX and Swimming

TRAX had a free day this year, so you better believe we took advantage of it. None of us has ever ridden it before and it actually was a  lot of fun. Like, if it was more convenient/cheaper, I would be traveling that way more often.

We were at the Farmington TRAX station by 9:07 am Fri. Dec 22 to head north to Ogden to go to the Treehouse Museum. That place was so fun! It's one of those places I would consider buying a pass to. Sof was super stoked to be on the train she has seen so often, and it was cute to watch her eat snacks out of her little backpack while watching the scenery outside.

Sof has become quite the little whistler around here, and she refuses to do it in front of anyone but Greg and I, so here is a video of her whistling on the train. She also is known to whistle for me in the house if she can't find me :).

Whistling on the "cool motorcycle.
Greg wore the pirate hate after Sofi refused to.
On the way home.
She's quite the little traveler.

Our passes to the Rec Center expire in approximately 1 week, so we have been trying to go swimming as often as we can. Sof is quite the little swimmer.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Bus 2017

Sofi was so excited about riding the bus this year, that she was talking about it for weeks. She even made comments about riding it last year that I'm almost convinced she actually remembers it (She was only 1.5 years old, but she's pretty smart so I wouldn't put it past her). On the morning of the Christmas Bus, she woke up early, ready to go.

Greg's Grandma, aunt, uncle, and sister were all in town just to ride the bus, so everyone met at his sister's house for breakfast.

Meeting Grandma great.
This is Grandma's first time meeting these 3 great grand babies.

The Spjute's have made it a tradition to put on a little Christmas program for a retirement home in Farmington. Claire was having tummy troubles, so I took her home while Greg and Sofi represented. I'm sad I missed it, but at least I can experience it through the pictures. Sofia made such a beautiful little angel.

These are 3 of the 4 Spjute girl cousins and they are all so cute with Sofia. They include her in just about everything they do and make her feel so special. She sure had a fun time with them. 
Claire and Henry. They are about 2 months apart.
Snug as a bug
The whole crew.
Sof was content to sit next to these girlies and sing Christmas carols on the way to downtown Salt Lake.
Crazy hair.
Sofi and cute Aunt Lisa

This activity is a highlight every year, and it was fun to have Greg's grandma, aunt, uncle, and sister with us. The more the merrier right? 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Meeting Santa & Gingerbread Houses

We took Sof and Claire to meet Santa at the same spot as always to get the beloved pictures with Santa, and they did not disappoint. Greg and I laugh at how fast Sofi can flip a switch between being happy and full-blown sobbing (seconds, people). We waited 20 minutes in line, and it was worth it.

Sofi was hanging onto Greg so tight that he was forced to be in the picture too.

This Santa is the real deal. His beard is beautiful! They even sprayed it with glitter. It doesn't get any more magical than that.

Before we went into the little house, Sof was talking about getting a candy cane and telling Santa what she wanted for Christmas. That attitude quickly disappeared, but reappeared once she realized we were on our way out and Santa was handing her a cookie. On the way out she said, "See, he's not scary. Santa is nice." Hilarious. Greg & I just rolled our eyes. But, our sweet little Claire behaved. I should have just gotten a picture of Santa holding her. 

We also broke out the Gingerbread House I bought last year but forgot to have us decorate. Greg was convinced it was bad. He obviously has zero confidence in the preservatives forced upon us Americans. The icing was still soft and candy edible enough.

Greg getting in touch with his inner-artist.
She actually did a pretty good job.
Proof Claire and I were there too.
The finished product.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Baby Claire's Blessing

We blessed our beautiful Baby Claire today and it was such a great day surrounded by family. She is such a sweet little girl and it was fun to take a day to celebrate her. Where her sister is sassy, our Claire is sweet and we wouldn't trade her for the world. It was fun to be able to entertain family in our new home, and hope anyone who comes feels welcome.

I've been lucky enough to have fun making both girls blessing dresses, and both have been challenging in their own ways. There were many remakes on multiple parts of Claire's dress, but it was so fun to see her in the finished product and know there is no other dress like it. It may not be perfect, but the girl who wore it sure is.

I may be biased, but I think she is beautiful. I often find myself just staring at her.
Claire LaRee with Grandma Jan LaRee

And because this is too adorable not to share, this was Claire giggling this morning. She's just like her mama and is very ticklish.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thanksgiving in Cedar

Thanksgiving was in Cedar this year, and the weather was beautiful! A balmy 70 with minimal wind all 3 days - pure heaven. Greg was able to get a couple of Mountain biking runs in so I'd say it was a win-win for all involved.

Sof woke up Wednesday wanting to leave for Cedar STAT and had a hard time waiting all morning for Greg to get home. But, we passed the time outside in the beautiful weather!

Claire found a friend
This swaddle has worked wonders!
Sofi's fat face. She wasn't too thrilled to be on the trike.
Visiting horses
Tummy time
She's become quite the makeup artist
Ready to go. Sof's already zoned in on her movie.
Greg's side smile is strong in both kids, but it 's soooooo cute!

The traffic down was awful! People are so rude and I officially believe those reports where they say Utah drivers are the worst. Instead of slowing down and being considerate, people would just come into your lane whether there was room for them or not. Imagine 4 hours of this, and you have a not very happy Greg. Regardless, we eventually made it to Cedar in time for Sof to greet her grandparents with a huge smile!

Thanksgiving arrived warm (so warm!) and the food didn't disappoint. Greg is still confused why my family eats dinner so early, but he'll get over it. His family is the only one I know who eats so late so we have both have had to adjust. Sofi was a wreck and had a nice long nap while we ate dinner. She is so picky and can't be bribed to try anything; she would rather starve, and it's so frustrating that I hope this phase passes quickly!

Claire being snuggled by her Great Grandma Jolley
Greg's 1st ride post Thanksgiving Dinner
That night we all 4 took a Ranger ride up to the temple. It is so beautiful at night!
This is the first bath Sof has ever wanted to have with someone. I think these two girlies are finally starting to be friends. Lex may have her size-wise, but Sof is just as strong when it comes to vocalizing her opinions.

Friday, Sofi was treated to her first real movie in the theater and she did great! Apart from having to go to the bathroom, it was quite enjoyable and I'm excited for all future movie escapades we will have together. Greg stayed home with Claire.

She always manages to find this Dory whenever we are down there.
Greg lost sunlight fast on his 2nd round of mountain biking. Luckily he came back unscathed.
Rockin' the G's.

Saturday was departure day, but Greg was nice enough to help my mom put up her Christmas lights.

Sof finally mastered a trick. Her legs are still growing!

Saturday is also the day our sweet Baby Claire turned 2 months old, so here is her in all her cuteness!

12 lbs 1.5 oz of chubby cuteness! 22" long. She is growing like a weed!