Wednesday, February 26, 2025

May: The busiest month EVER!

May was so, so, so busy! We did so many things and managed to have fun along the way. Hold on! Here's a major photo dump ...

Because, why wouldn't it snow May 6th?

Sof has been needing her own room for a while, and we finally managed to clean some junk out enough to fit her stuff in here. It's a work in progress, but she was thrilled, so it was definitely worth it!

Cute Claire gets the driest wrists. I loved seeing her sleep in these little red mittens :).
Funny story about this dang shoe: We were down walking in the water in the Hollow. Claire was being Claire and splashing everyone. Well, Karma got her back by sending one of her new Easter sandals down the rushing river. She was distraught, and I was livid, so I chased the stupid thing down and eventually saw it stuck in some of the reeds on the side. The shoe gods must have been in Claire's favor that day, because there is no logical reason why the shoe should have been stopped anywhere with how fast the water was flowing.
I never know how I'm going to find her. She is hilarious!
Our beautiful tulips with a not-so-fluffy Mr. Mittens
Quincey and I had a fun morning exploring the fancy Layton RC Willey. She loved finding furniture her size to climb all over.
And bigger furniture too.

The Layton Temple Open House!

And it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Quincey wasn't so sure about wearing the little booties, but they sure looked cute on her.
We took an impromptu bike ride one day where I seriously misjudged my time and had to rush from one end of town to the next, between picking Sof up from the orthodontist and Claire up from Singing. Don't worry, we were only 10 minutes late for Claire (Sorry Claire!). But, it made for a fun memory and me learning my lesson by having to sacrifice my bike seat for Claire. Luckily the GOAT is electric and pedaling was a breeze.
The cutest little Kindergarten graduate!

Mothers Day!

I'm seeing a pattern ...
luckily I'm still bigger than them so I'm able to force a picture.
I'm so lucky!
And because Mother's Day is always one of the most beautiful days of the year, we celebrated by taking the bikes down the Hollow. One of my favorite things to do.
Our neighbors foster dogs on the weekends and Claire was overjoyed when they let us play with their most recent puppy. I will admit, he was pretty adorable!
She was really sad to have to give it back.
Kaysville Creamery's #1 Fans
So much personality. I love her!
Quince brought a friend with her to Home Depot one day.

Sofia's teacher threw a dance party ... and it was so much fun!

The best part was watching Claire randomly drop into the middle splits.

Happy Memorial Day!

The girls have a little bit of a different relationship with their Grandma LuAnn and Aunt Lindsey, but it's good to know they're always here whenever we need to visit.

We did a thing ...

My cute little helper!

I've been scheming for MONTHS about how I might put a wooden fence up on the existing posts of our awful chain link, and lo and behold, my plan worked! I've learned that if I dream about something I scheme about, it generally comes to fruition. And it's freaking beautiful!
And generally a quick project, all things considered. Greg dug out the dirt/placed pavers while I screwed everything together. Our neighbors are a lot happier too (They're so lucky to live next to us).
And I had the cutest little helpers!

Greg got a kick out of watching Mittens figure out how to walk through chain link.

Happy 14 Years to Us! We celebrated by finding a babysitter and going hiking up beautiful Farmington Canyon.

Somehow we managed to not fall to our deaths while both teetering on one leg.
I spy Quincey (and Mittens).

We FINALLY made it to Cherry Hill! May was the strangest month for weather, but we made it happen!

We started with Snow and ended with sunshine. Bring on Summer Vacation!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Last Day(s) of School

The 2nd to last day of School always ends with a parade around the field. I was so proud of the girls and everything they accomplished this year. Claire ROCKED Full-day kindergarten. As an introvert, I know it was hard for her, but she learned some great skills along the way. Sof was pushed outside her comfort zone and learned so many good things. Luckily she has a cute friend group to keep her going!

I don't know how she did it, but Sof hurt her knee pretty bad the last week of school. It made the last games of Softball difficult, and I had to take her to school each morning. I caught this clip of her cute friend helping her walk to her classroom one morning- it made my heart happy knowing Sof is surrounded by good kids.

Good job, Claire!
She totally ignores me but loved on Quincey. Claire is a good big sister.

Last day of 3rd Grade and Kindergarten!

The tradition of taking the girls to school on the last day of School lives on!

Sof's teacher Mrs. Etter was retiring. She threw a going-away-party to the school by having the Fire Department come and give the school a foam party. It was fun to see the fire truck drive by as we picked up Claire from school - Sof left with a group of friends to go have a party at someone's house.

We LOVE Ms. Loosle!

Claire was SOAKED! The bubbles oozing from her shoes was just the beginning of it.

Claire's feet looked 200 years old, after being in her wet shoes all morning. It was hilarious!

Next stop ... Summer!