Monday, January 27, 2025

Last Day(s) of School

The 2nd to last day of School always ends with a parade around the field. I was so proud of the girls and everything they accomplished this year. Claire ROCKED Full-day kindergarten. As an introvert, I know it was hard for her, but she learned some great skills along the way. Sof was pushed outside her comfort zone and learned so many good things. Luckily she has a cute friend group to keep her going!

I don't know how she did it, but Sof hurt her knee pretty bad the last week of school. It made the last games of Softball difficult, and I had to take her to school each morning. I caught this clip of her cute friend helping her walk to her classroom one morning- it made my heart happy knowing Sof is surrounded by good kids.

Good job, Claire!
She totally ignores me but loved on Quincey. Claire is a good big sister.

Last day of 3rd Grade and Kindergarten!

The tradition of taking the girls to school on the last day of School lives on!

Sof's teacher Mrs. Etter was retiring. She threw a going-away-party to the school by having the Fire Department come and give the school a foam party. It was fun to see the fire truck drive by as we picked up Claire from school - Sof left with a group of friends to go have a party at someone's house.

We LOVE Ms. Loosle!

Claire was SOAKED! The bubbles oozing from her shoes was just the beginning of it.

Claire's feet looked 200 years old, after being in her wet shoes all morning. It was hilarious!

Next stop ... Summer!

Field Day

Volunteering to help with Field Day is one of my favorite things to do! This year I volunteered to trail Sofi's class as they went to all of the different water stations. Snow was forecasted this week so it was cold! Luckily the rain help off through the morning so the kids could have fun.

I decided the Mom's who helping with the Bottle Rockets were the honorary MVP's of Field Day! They were troopers to sit there all morning in the cold wind.

We kept crossing paths with Claire, which was a lot of fun! For a girl who is pretty reserved in public, she sure was having a lot of fun, laughing and smiling whenever I saw her!
Mrs. Smith's 3rd Grade Class! Sof has some really fun kids her age - it has been fun to watch them grow up together.
Sof did pretty good in 9 square, She was the "Queen" for a few rounds.
It was so COLD! But the boys weren't afraid to sit in the dunk booth while the girls were huddled together in a group.
The cutest little chaperone.
Claire with her cute friend, Elise.
The cutest little chaperone!

It was a cold day but so much fun! Long live Field Day!

Wrapping up School & Softball

May brought all the busy things - End of School celebrations/shows/trips for the Girls, and the end of Softball. It was hilarious watching Claire learn the ropes of Softball. I'm not so sure she'll do it next year, but it was fun to watch her improve. And, she got really good at doing cartwheels in the outfield :). The end of 3rd Grade was busy! Sof had a presentation every day leading up to the last day of school. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun to see her hard work pay off!

I was dying as I watched Claire casually push all of the boys off the bench waiting to bat. She is hilarious! Girlfriend knew exactly what she was doing - the boys had no idea.

The last 2 or 3 games of Claire's were COLD! We either had to end early because of crazy wind or driving rain, but the kids were troopers and had fun! 
Sof worked hard in her Class to put together a puppet show. It was cute to go watch.
Claire's end-of-year Singing Concert is always a hit! The theme this year was "Pajama Party."

Sof did a Wax Museum in 3rd Grade and chose to be "Oprah Winfrey." She did great and had a lot of fun with her cute friends.

This graduation picture of Claire's gave me all the feels!
One of Claire's masterpieces in the Art Show.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

April Fun

Still working on 2024 - bear with me people.
April 2024 was a diverse month. Birthday's, floods, new paint and softball. It seems like it was always one thing after the next, but we managed to have fun along the way.

I'm always on the lookout for a couch - we're going on years people, and I have yet to find one. Anyway, I convinced everyone to come with me to Modern Living, which has an indoor playground for the kids. Genius! Greg and the girls all played while I got to peruse the furniture by myself. No, I did not come home with anything new, but it was still fun to look.

2 months into being 2, and Quincey is at such a fun stage. She has such a big personality in her little body.

Poor Mittens. Some days he is starved for attention. He was willing to be the table for "Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza" - a slapping game 🤣🤫

Quincey discovered our neighbors swing and insisted we visit Every. Single. Day.


She had fun decorating for her T.Swift party and inviting 3 of her besties.

We cut out posters to look like polaroids. 
It turned out pretty cute!

Sof decorated her own cake - complete with whipped cream frosting and cadbury eggs. She did a great job!
She chose to get breakfast for dinner and was thrilled to get a pancake bigger than her head, which she finished, by the way.

Sofia is such a cute girl! Always giggling, smiling, and the best friend to all of the underdogs. Her teachers recognize her ability to keep the peace and often chooses her to sit next to kids who need extra help/attention (much to her chagrin). She is everyone's friend and continues to be the best leader to our little girl gang. She just keeps getting better with age. We sure love you, Sof!

Heidi's dream of painting the basement bathroom finally came true! It actually turned out really cute.

Greg did manual labor!
He had to fix his alternator and Serpentine Belt, not only once but twice! He's basically a pro and is up for hire (not!). Thanks to Youtube University, he was able to fix everything in record time.
The tulips finally bloomed! Here Quince is enjoying one [almost] as big as her cute face.
April 23 - and it's warm enough for Claire to jump on the tramp in a swimsuit!

The girls started Softball! The games were often at the same time, so we became pretty good at figuring out how to switch halfway thru - Quincey was happy to play wherever there was a park.

Claire was 1 of 2 girls on her co-ed team. She didn't love it, but was a good sport. The highlight every Tues/Thurs. for me was seeing what Claire chose to wear to her games. She's the best!
Someone slept good!

April was RAINY! We made the best of it by visiting Hondo and splashing in puddles along the way, always with Pooh Bear.

Date night with Greg! His eyebrows (or unibrow when he looks down) kills me. It completely covers his eyes.
We discovered the latest and greatest in sports(?) - Ax throwing! It took us a while to jump on the band wagon. I love it so much, I want to put on in our backyard. Talk about the ultimate stress relief.
We got so much rain the end of April that our basement flooded. It was not awesome. Pretty sure this is the 3rd time we've ripped up the carpet in this room since we moved in.
Sof is the best helper on Sunday mornings by helping do Quincey's hair for me.

Spring bike rides down the Hollow are one of the favorite things!

Sof took a back handspring class through the winter and did great!
