Saturday, August 17, 2024

Jr Jazz and a Piano Recital

Ready for her first game!
I'm glad 2 of the 5 were looking at the camera 🤭
She did great! The teams were made up of 3rd and 4th graders (some of which were bigger than me). I really want to know what some people feed their children to make them so big!

Afterwards, we went to lunch at Costa Vida with Grandma Jan while Greg took Quincey home for a nap. The girls were thrilled.

Next up - Sofi's first Piano recital, which of course was during the same time as Claire's first basketball game, so we divided and conquered. My parents went to watch the game with Greg while I went to Sof's piano recital with Mark & Kathy. She did great!

Greg and my parents were having the time of their lives watching Claire and the other 5 year olds learn to play basketball. No one dribbled, and everyone else would chase whoever had the ball at the time - it was hilarious!

The video Greg took won't upload, but suffice it to say that it was hilarious and everyone should watch 5 year olds play basketball at least once in their life.

I have no idea why Greg can't keep his eyes open for a picture.
Claire was so excited to get the same number as Sofi.

Jr Jazz - the perfect way to spend every Saturday through November and December 👎. But really, it did make for some entertaining moments.

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