Friday, August 9, 2024

Halloween Parties

Our ward has a fun carnival for the kids every year. Fun enough to attend, anyway. Sof and Claire enjoyed running around with each other to all of the different booth's, and I enjoyed watching Greg follow Quincey around. Having independent kids is pretty magical.

True to tradition, everyone got to have a chance to chase cany shot out of the candy cannon. We need to work on the girl's hustling skills.

Next up, was the Spjute Annual Witchey-Poo Party. It is a fan favorite around here. Grandma and Grandpa always go above and beyond to make sure the kids have the best time.

The famous Witches Brew. No tooth was thrown in this year ... that we know of.
Greg in his element.
The man behind the mischief.

When Claire dresses up, she dresses up 🤣✔

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