Friday, May 20, 2022

Best Birthday Ever!

Quincey and I are officially birthday buddies - almost. Our birthday's are now only 5 days apart and it was so much fun to be able to hold her all day long. I decided she was the best birthday gift I ever had. My mom kept encouraging me to go out and do something while she was here to help, but all I honestly wanted to do was stay home and snuggle Quincey. So that's exactly what I did :).

My 3 little besties! I'm the luckiest!

My sweet friend and neighbor has a cake business and brought me the most beautiful cake I've ever seen! It was even more delicious - I know what I'm having every year now.  It was that good!

I craved Sushi my entire pregnancy with Quincey. Inducing her before my birthday so I could eat sushi on my birthday may have been my #1 motivator - no joke! My doctor gave me the weirdest look when I asked him. Regardless, she came out and I got to have sushi for my birthday dinner. Yay! 

7 whole rolls may have been overkill, but it was worth it!

Happy birthday to me!

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